Basketball Football

Arthur Feeley

User Details

Auto League Stats

  • W-L This Year
    14,124 - 9,068 (.609 PCT)
    (#4 of 26886) in Wins
  • W-L All Time
    125,945 - 81,204 (.608 PCT)
    (#22 of 26886) in Wins
  • Playoffs: 1117
    (#14 of 26886)
  • Rings: 315
    (#14 of 26886)
  • MVPs: 378 (#7 of 26886)
    CYs: 353 (#9 of 26886)

Custom League Stats

  • No games played yet.

Hoops Playground

User's Leagues

* To see awards from other sports, use the toggle on the upper-right corner of this page.

Auto League Trophy Case

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Ruthian Bambinos

Ruthian Era

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2019

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 1994

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2017

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2017

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Random Player Rhubarbs

Random Players

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Baseball Classics

All-Time Greats

Twenty Tens Two Baggers

Best of 2010s

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2018

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Mid Century Meatballs


Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

Random Player Rhubarbs

Random Players

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Twenty Tens Two Baggers

Best of 2010s

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Mid Century Meatballs


Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2017

Random Player Rhubarbs

Random Players

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2003

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Classics

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Mantle Mashers

All-Time Greats

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

2000s Two Baggers

Best of 2000s

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

B Bonds Bombers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Iowa Cornbelters

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Minnesota Charlie Browns


Minnesota Charlie Browns


Mantle Mashers

All-Time Greats

2000s Two Baggers

Best of 2000s

Ruthian Bambinos

Ruthian Era

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Bambinos

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Minnesota Charlie Browns


Seventies Cellar Dwellers

Best of 1970s

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Mid Century Meat Balls


Biden Jackasses

Random Players

Ruthian Bambinos

Ruthian Era

2000s Double Naughts

Best of 2000s

2021 Also Rans

Best of 2021

Twenty Tens Two Baggers

Best of 2010s

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Anytown Sluggers


Eighties Eephus

Best of 1980s

Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Beantown Beanballers

Best of 1980s

Iowa Cornbelters

All-Time Greats

Mid Century Meat Balls


Minnesota Charlie Browns


Minnesota Charlie Browns


2010s Two Baggers

Best of 2010s

Beantown Beanballers

All-Time Greats

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2001

America First Patriots

Best of 2017

Portland Bounty

Best of 2018

Mid Century Meat Balls


Twenty Tens Two Baggers

Best of 2010s

Ruthian Bambinos

Ruthian Era

Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 1994

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Seventies Cellar Dwellers

Best of 1970s

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Twenty Tens Two Baggers

Best of 2010s

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2001

Beantown Beanballers

Random Players

Beantown Beanballers

All-Time Greats

2000s Double Naughts

Best of 2000s

Portland Bounty

Best of 2018

America First Patriots

Best of 2017

Philly Elephants

All-Time Greats

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2003

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2005

2020 Wiffers

Best of 2020

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Philly Elephants

Best of 1980s

Seventies Cellar Dwellers

Best of 1970s

Boston Bees


Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2010

Iowa Cornbelters

All-Time Greats

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Boston Bees

Best of 2019

America First Patriots

Best of 2017

Miami Cats

Best of 1990s

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Philly Elephants

Best of 1980s

2000s Double Naughts

Best of 2000s

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2005

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Seventies Cellar Dwellers

Best of 1970s

Anytown Sluggers


Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2015

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Nineties Nubbers

Best of 1990s

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 1995

Mindless Automatons

Best of 2010s

Random Player Palookas

Random Players

Base Ball Homers

All-Time Greats

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2010

America First Patriots

Best of 2017

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 1994

American Capitalists

Best of 1990s

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2019

Punch and Judy Palookas

Random Players

2020 Clown Car

Best of 2020

Random Year Rhubarbs

Best of 2015

Maine Wallops

Ruthian Era

EDM Dub Masters

Best of 2000s

Anytown Sluggers


Iowa Cornbelters

All-Time Greats

Two Tone Ska Killers

Best of 1980s

Two Tone Ska Killers

Best of 1980s

EDM Dub Masters

Best of 2000s

EDM Dub Masters

Best of 2000s

Saturday Night Fevers

Best of 1970s

Two Tone Ska Killers

Best of 1980s

America First Patriots

Best of 2017

Minnesota Charlie Browns


EDM Dub Masters

Best of 2000s

American 1776ers

Best of 2019

EDM Dub Masters

Best of 2000s

Minnesota Charlie Browns


Saturday Night Fevers

Best of 1970s

Anytown Sluggers


Anytown Sluggers

Ruthian Era

Saturday Night Fevers

Best of 1970s

Long Haired Hippies

Best of 2000s

Anytown Sluggers


Two Tone Ska Killers

Best of 1980s

Philly Elephants

Best of 2011

Boston Bees


East Coast Skinnies

Best of 1980s

Boston Bees

Best of 2000s

Minnesota Charlie Browns

All-Time Greats

Boston Bees

Best of 2010s

2 Tone Ska Killers


Beantown Beanballers

Best of 1990s

Lazy Leg Magees


Philly Elephants

Best of 2019

Seattle Scooters

Best of 2000s

Boston Bees


Custom League Trophy Case

No items yet.

Award Winners (All Leagues)

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - Auto League 290 All-Time Great..

Justin Verlander (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 1343 All-Time Grea..

Lou Gehrig (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 1343 All-Time Grea..

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 1249 All-Time Grea..

Jake Arrieta (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 584 All-Time Great..

Dave Righetti (Eephus)

Cy - Auto League 1222 Best of 1980s

Mark McGwire (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 1159 All-Time Grea..

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 1153 All-Time Grea..

Greg Maddux (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 1153 All-Time Grea..

Nick Altrock (Palookas)

Cy - Auto League 129 Random Players

Mark McGwire (Bambinos)

MVP - Auto League 309 All-Time Great..

Pete Alexander (Bambinos)

Cy - Auto League 309 All-Time Great..

Johan Santana (Charlie Browns)

Cy - Auto League 1126 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - Auto League 380 All-Time Great..

J.R. Richard (Bambinos)

Cy - Auto League 380 All-Time Great..

Jake Arrieta (Homers)

Cy - Auto League 61 All-Time Greats

Dutch Leonard (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 587 All-Time Great..

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 587 All-Time Great..

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 624 All-Time Great..

Max Scherzer (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 1470 All-Time Grea..

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 1470 All-Time Grea..

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - Auto League 215 All-Time Great..

Luis Castillo (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Auto League 556 Best of 2019

Randy Johnson (Palookas)

Cy - Auto League 70 Random Players

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - Auto League 184 All-Time Great..

Jack Taylor (Palookas)

Cy - Auto League 84 Random Players

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - Auto League 54 All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - Auto League 52 All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 637 All-Time Great..

Sandy Koufax (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 637 All-Time Great..

Barry Bonds (Bees)

MVP - Auto League 162 All-Time Great..

Max Scherzer (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 409 All-Time Great..

Greg Maddux (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 509 All-Time Great..

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - Auto League 509 All-Time Great..

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - Auto League 200 All-Time Great..

Bob Turley (Palookas)

Cy - Auto League 1214 Random Player..

Babe Ruth (Palookas)

MVP - Auto League 1464 Random Player..

Christy Mathewson (Homers)

Cy - Auto League 344 All-Time Great..

Jason Giambi (Homers)

MVP - Auto League 30 All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 521 All-Time Great..

Greg Maddux (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 1261 All-Time Grea..

Mark McGwire (Nubbers)

MVP - Auto League 373 Best of 1990s

Jake Arrieta (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 1272 All-Time Grea..

J.R. Richard (Homers)

Cy - Auto League 74 All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Nine)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Dwight Gooden (Classics)

Cy - Auto League 353 All-Time Great..

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

John Lowenstein (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Dave McNally (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sid Fernandez (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Rhys Hoskins (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2017

Luis Severino (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2017

Jim Hearn (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Steve Carlton (Palookas)

Cy - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Jacob deGrom (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2017

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Dave McNally (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Greg Maddux (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jake Arrieta (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Ed Walsh (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Clayton Kershaw (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jake Arrieta (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Bob Gibson (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jake Arrieta (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Juan Soto (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Pedro Martinez (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Doug Drabek (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 1994

Jacob deGrom (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Dave McNally (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Kevin Brown (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

J.R. Richard (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Luis Castillo (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2017

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Aroldis Chapman (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Blake Snell (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Ken Phelps (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Rich Gossage (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Sid Fernandez (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Random Players

Aroldis Chapman (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Don Sutton (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ed Walsh (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Steve Carlton (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Frank Thomas (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jake Arrieta (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Christy Mathewson (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Greg Maddux (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Christy Mathewson (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Random Players

Lou Gehrig (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Aroldis Chapman (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Aroldis Chapman (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Don Sutton (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jake Arrieta (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sid Fernandez (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Aroldis Chapman (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2017

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Clayton Kershaw (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mike Schmidt (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Ed Walsh (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Dale Murphy (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Nolan Ryan (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Sid Fernandez (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Ken Phelps (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Aroldis Chapman (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jeff Bagwell (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Johnny Cueto (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Sid Fernandez (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Doug Jones (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mark McGwire (Nubbers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Joe Price (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Cy Blanton (Bambinos)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Mark McGwire (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Dennis Martinez (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Kerry Wood (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Juan Marichal (Meatballs)

Cy - Mid-Century

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Corey Kluber (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Huston Street (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jacob deGrom (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Mark McGwire (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Rhys Hoskins (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2017

David Robertson (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2017

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Aroldis Chapman (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

George Brett (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Mike Scott (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Carl Yastrzemski (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Random Players

Matt Harvey (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Barry Bonds (Nubbers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Josh Hader (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Clayton Kershaw (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Clayton Kershaw (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mike Cuellar (Meatballs)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Frank Tanana (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Sid Fernandez (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Mark McGwire (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Rhys Hoskins (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2017

Max Scherzer (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2017

Pedro Martinez (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Mark McGwire (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Dutch Leonard (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Addie Joss (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mordecai Brown (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

George Brett (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Ted Williams (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Jimmie Foxx (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Sherry Smith (Palookas)

Cy - Random Players

Manny Ramirez (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Carlos Zambrano (Palookas)

Cy - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Rhys Hoskins (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2017

Jacob deGrom (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Frank Thomas (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Classics)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Meat Balls)

Cy - Mid-Century

Ronald Acuna (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Blake Snell (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Barry Bonds (Cornbelters)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Christy Mathewson (Cornbelters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Greg Maddux (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Justin Verlander (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jacob deGrom (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jacob deGrom (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Blake Snell (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jake Arrieta (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Two Baggers)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Clayton Kershaw (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Mark McGwire (Classics)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Juan Soto (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jacob deGrom (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Corey Kluber (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Nubbers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Bob Tewksbury (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mark McGwire (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Jacob deGrom (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Rhys Hoskins (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2017

J.R. Richard (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Willie McCovey (Meat Balls)

MVP - Mid-Century

Mark McGwire (Cornbelters)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Cornbelters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jake Arrieta (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Bob Gibson (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jim Turner (Bambinos)

Cy - Ruthian Era

CC Sabathia (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Blake Snell (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Justin Verlander (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Dwight Gooden (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jose Fernandez (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jake Arrieta (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Christy Mathewson (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jason Schmidt (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Two Baggers)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Mark McGwire (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Russ Ford (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Max Scherzer (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Blake Snell (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Ron Guidry (Mashers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Kal Daniels (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Sandy Koufax (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Don Sutton (Cornbelters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Cornbelters)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Splinters)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Carlos Santana (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Sandy Koufax (Meat Balls)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Walter Johnson (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

George Brett (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Ron Guidry (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mickey Mantle (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Vida Blue (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Splinters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Two Baggers)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Mashers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jacob deGrom (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Cornbelters)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Josh Hader (Cornbelters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Luis Tiant (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Nubbers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Pedro Martinez (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jered Weaver (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Jacob deGrom (Also Rans)

Cy - Best of 2021

Mike Trout (Two Baggers)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Addie Joss (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Bombers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bombers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Hal Newhouser (Sluggers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Pedro Martinez (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Jacob deGrom (Bambinos)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Jacob deGrom (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jacob deGrom (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Aroldis Chapman (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Lou Gehrig (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Cellar Dwellers)

Cy - Best of 1970s

Tom Seaver (Cornbelters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Cornbelters)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Cal Eldred (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Randy Johnson (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Gerrit Cole (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Mark McGwire (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Beanballers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Steve Rogers (Cellar Dwellers)

Cy - Best of 1970s

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Kevin Appier (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Don Sutton (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Pedro Martinez (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Jim Turner (Bambinos)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Johan Santana (Double Naughts)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Jim Thome (Double Naughts)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Greg Maddux (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Mike Trout (Two Baggers)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Justin Verlander (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Barry Bonds (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 1994

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Pedro Martinez (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Pedro Martinez (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Juan Soto (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Kerry Wood (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2003

Barry Bonds (Double Naughts)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Beanballers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Sandy Koufax (Beanballers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Dwight Gooden (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Sid Fernandez (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Nolan Ryan (Beanballers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Blake Snell (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Sid Fernandez (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Kerry Wood (Double Naughts)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Mike Trout (Two Baggers)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Jake Arrieta (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Babe Ruth (Beanballers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Kerry Wood (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2001

Jose Fernandez (Automatons)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Matt Olson (Patriots)

MVP - Best of 2017

Corey Kluber (Patriots)

Cy - Best of 2017

Jacob deGrom (Bounty)

Cy - Best of 2018

Hank Aaron (Cellar Dwellers)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Rhys Hoskins (Two Baggers)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Yu Darvish (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Carl Hubbell (Bambinos)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Corey Kluber (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Babe Ruth (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Clayton Kershaw (Bounty)

Cy - Best of 2018

Barry Bonds (Double Naughts)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 1994

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Joey Gallo (Commie Reds)

MVP - Best of 2019

Babe Ruth (Beanballers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Willie McCovey (Cellar Dwellers)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Jeff Bagwell (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Clayton Kershaw (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

George Brett (Eephus)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Clayton Kershaw (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Bob Gibson (Cornbelters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Cornbelters)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Mike Trout (Two Baggers)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Johnny Cueto (Two Baggers)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Nolan Ryan (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Max Scherzer (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Mark McGwire (Beanballers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Randy Johnson (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2001

Barry Bonds (Beanballers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Barry Bonds (Beanballers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

Roger Clemens (Double Naughts)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Matt Olson (Patriots)

MVP - Best of 2017

Corey Kluber (Patriots)

Cy - Best of 2017

Joey Votto (Automatons)

MVP - Best of 2010s

Barry Bonds (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 1994

Roger Clemens (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 1994

Chris Sale (Elephants)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Willie McCovey (Meat Balls)

MVP - Mid-Century

Rafael Soriano (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Jason Schmidt (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2003

Bernie Carbo (Spirit)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Willie Mays (Bees)

MVP - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Whit Wyatt (Bambinos)

Cy - Ruthian Era

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Chris Sale (Bounty)

Cy - Best of 2018

Mike Scott (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Hideo Nomo (Nubbers)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Frank Thomas (Nubbers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Vida Blue (Cellar Dwellers)

Cy - Best of 1970s

Corey Kluber (Spirit)

Cy - 1970-Present

J.R. Richard (Elephants)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Nolan Ryan (Cellar Dwellers)

Cy - Best of 1970s

Doug Drabek (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 1994

Luis Tiant (Bees)

Cy - Mid-Century

Willie McCovey (Bees)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jim Thome (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2010

C.J. Wilson (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2010

Nolan Ryan (Fighting Pigs)

Cy - Best of 1983

Mike Scott (Palookas)

Cy - Random Players

Mike Trout (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Cody Bellinger (Bees)

MVP - Best of 2019

Sid Fernandez (Cats)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Corey Kluber (Patriots)

Cy - Best of 2017

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Frank Tanana (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Nolan Ryan (Eephus)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Barry Bonds (Homers)

MVP - All-Time Greats

George Brett (Elephants)

MVP - Best of 1980s

Mike Scott (Elephants)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Roger Clemens (Double Naughts)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Mike Scott (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Pedro Martinez (Double Naughts)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Jake Arrieta (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Darrell Evans (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Johnny Vander Meer (Palookas)

Cy - Random Players

Justin Verlander (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2019

Oscar Gamble (Cellar Dwellers)

MVP - Best of 1970s

Phil Plantier (Nubbers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Mordecai Brown (Palookas)

Cy - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Bambinos)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Jim Gentile (Meat Balls)

MVP - Mid-Century

Stu Miller (Sluggers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Mickey Mantle (Sluggers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Anthony Rizzo (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2015

Steve Carlton (Cellar Dwellers)

Cy - Best of 1970s

Denny McLain (Sluggers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Pedro Martinez (Dub Masters)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Dub Masters)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Luis Tiant (Cornbelters)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Randy Johnson (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 1994

Felix Hernandez (Dub Masters)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Barry Bonds (Dub Masters)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Greg Maddux (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 1995

Felix Hernandez (Automatons)

Cy - Best of 2010s

Turk Farrell (Palookas)

Cy - Random Players

Mickey Mantle (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Dave McNally (Homers)

Cy - All-Time Greats

J.R. Richard (Ska Killers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Clayton Kershaw (Charlie Browns)

Cy - 1970-Present

Barry Bonds (Charlie Browns)

MVP - 1970-Present

Ryan Howard (Palookas)

MVP - Random Players

Jim Thome (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2010

Matt Olson (Patriots)

MVP - Best of 2017

Charlie Morton (Patriots)

Cy - Best of 2017

Frank Thomas (Rockers)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Luis Tiant (Sluggers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Gerrit Cole (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2019

Mike Trout (Rhubarbs)

MVP - Best of 2019

Mark McGwire (Capitalists)

MVP - Best of 1990s

Randy Johnson (Palookas)

Cy - Random Players

Nolan Ryan (Ska Killers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Pedro Martinez (Rhubarbs)

Cy - Best of 2002

Babe Ruth (Wallops)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Greg Maddux (Magees)

Cy - Random Players

John Denny (Ska Killers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Chris Young (Dub Masters)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Willie McCovey (Sluggers)

MVP - Mid-Century

Jake Arrieta (Skinnies)

Cy - Random Players

Dwight Gooden (Ska Killers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Lance Berkman (Patriots)

MVP - Best of 2011

Roger Clemens (Dub Masters)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Greg Maddux (Magees)

Cy - Random Players

Babe Ruth (Magees)

MVP - Random Players

Tony Clark (Dub Masters)

MVP - Best of 2000s

Pedro Martinez (Dub Masters)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Chris Young (Dub Masters)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Justin Verlander (1776ers)

Cy - Best of 2019

Teddy Higuera (Ska Killers)

Cy - Best of 1980s

Oliver Perez (Doubledays)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Ron Guidry (Night Fevers)

Cy - Best of 1970s

Greg Maddux (Capitalists)

Cy - Best of 1990s

Bob Gibson (Sluggers)

Cy - Mid-Century

Pedro Martinez (Hippies)

Cy - Best of 2000s

Dave McNally (Americans)

Cy - All-Time Greats

Joe Horlen (Bees)

Cy - Mid-Century

Barry Bonds (Magees)

MVP - 1970-Present

Cody Bellinger (Elephants)

MVP - Best of 2019

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