Basketball Football

Larry "60sKindaGuy"

User Details

Auto League Stats

  • W-L This Year
    0 - 0 (- PCT)
    in Wins
  • W-L All Time
    2,713 - 1,084 (.715 PCT)
    (#1316 of 26954) in Wins
  • Playoffs: 22
    (#858 of 26954)
  • Rings: 12
    (#466 of 26954)
  • MVPs: 9 (#557 of 26954)
    CYs: 11 (#486 of 26954)

Custom League Stats

  • W-L All Time
    2,978 - 2,100 (.586 PCT)
    (#719 of 26954) in Wins
  • Rings: 5
    (#327 of 26954)

Hoops Playground

* To see awards from other sports, use the toggle on the upper-right corner of this page.

Auto League Trophy Case

St. Louis Perfectos

Favorite Teams

Brooklyn Atlantics

Favorite Teams

Fallopian Tubes

Favorite Teams

Dalhart Jingle Whoppers

Favorite Teams

Flying Burrito Brothers

Favorite Teams

Times Square Swoop Daddys

Favorite Teams

South Jersey Jingle Whoppers

Favorite Teams

Strawberry Alarm Clock

Favorite Teams

Haight-Ashbury Great Society

Favorite Teams

Greenwich Village Beatniks

Favorite Teams

Foghorn Leghorns

Favorite Teams

Strawberry Alarm Clock

Favorite Teams

Custom League Trophy Case

Pittsburgh Pirates

Legendary Losers

New York Yankees

The Babe Danzig Memorial Baseball L..

Award Winners (All Leagues)

Bob Gibson (Cardinals)

Cy - Favorite Teams Association - S..

Bob Gibson (Cardinals)

Cy - Favorite Teams Association - S..

Bob Gibson (Perfectos)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Bob Gibson (Cardinals)

Cy - All-Time Great Seasons - Seaso..

Larry Walker SLC (Cardinals)

MVP - All-Time Great Seasons - Seaso..

Lou Gehrig (Highlanders)

MVP - All-Time Great Seasons - Seaso..

Bob Gibson (Cardinals)

Cy - All-Time Great Seasons - Seaso..

Bob Gibson (Cardinals)

Cy - All Time Great Seasons - Seaso..

Bob Gibson (Cardinals)

Cy - All Time Great Seasons - Seaso..

Lou Gehrig (Yankees)

MVP - All Time Great Seasons - Seaso..

Babe Ruth-NYY (Yankees)

MVP - All Time Great Seasons - Seaso..

Dick Allen (Zooties)

MVP - Six Decades Apart 7212

Doc White (Zooties)

Cy - Six Decades Apart 6606

Mike Dunne (Pirates)

Cy - Legendary Losers

Rick Rhoden (Pirates)

Cy - Legendary Losers

Babe Ruth (Yankees)

MVP - The Hughie Hearne Memorial Bas..

Red Ruffing (Yankees)

Cy - The Hughie Hearne Memorial Bas..

Babe Ruth (Yankees)

MVP - The Babe Danzig Memorial Baseb..

Walter Johnson (Jingle Whoppers)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Ben Paschal (Jingle Whoppers)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Red Ruffing (Alarm Clock)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Babe Ruth (Alarm Clock)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Mickey Mantle (Brothers)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Babe Ruth (Swoop Daddys)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Barry Bonds (Jingle Whoppers)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Cliff Lee (Swoop Daddys)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Sam Thompson (Alarm Clock)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Lew Richie (Alarm Clock)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Tim Keefe (Great Society)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Tim Keefe (Beatniks)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Dusty Rhodes (Beatniks)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Barry Bonds (Leghorns)

MVP - Favorite Teams

Tim Keefe (Leghorns)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Bob Gibson (Leghorns)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Bob Gibson (Underground)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Mordecai Brown (Alarm Clock)

Cy - Favorite Teams

Hank Greenberg (Alarm Clock)

MVP - Ruthian Era

Player Scramble

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